The day went on like everything was normal. The questions from patrons thats annoyed me and helping lifeguard, the drama between lifeguards thats never seem to end. We, the lifeguards have been trying to get these wind surfers out for the past few hours, and we thought they were being ignorant listeners and didn't want to follow our rules.
Wind surfing isn't allowed at Nahant beach. But lifeguards are not here to ruin people's day. So we tell them to go past chair seven. Past chair seven is just more beach but no lifeguard to tell them what to do. So it's a win-win situation. The patrons are out of our view of vision and they get to do what they want to do.
The lifeguard and myself, the head lifeguard, were roaming the beach. Patrolling the water and making sure the lifeguards are awake and seeing how they are doing. We started at chair one, then to chair three.
"Alex and Felicia, can you go get those wind surfers out of the water, they are really pissing me off." Mike, the beach manager says.
So we drive over and tried getting one of the two wind surfers to go the opposite direction of which he was moving. He was moving towards chair one but he needed to move towards chair 7, and beyond its point. It was such a dangerous scene to be watching, the wind surfer was zooming between children, and all I could think about was if he hits one of these kids in the head, I will kill him.
Eventually, I drove the gator car back to the bathhouse, which is where our beach office is located. And told Mike to hop in and take over because the wind surfers weren't listening to us. So he hopped in and went drove in the opposite direction of them. He went to the men in charge of the parking lot, to make note for them that if they see anything such as a wind kite, kayak, canoe, paddle board, anything of such site, to tell them to drive and park at the end of the beach, which would be past chair seven. After conversing with the parking attendants, he did drive over to the wind surfers and tried to blow them down. But again he weren't listening.
I assigned lifeguards to chair one, three, five, six, and seven. And this event started with the people at chair 5. The state doesn't like to spend money on things that would actually help lifeguards. We only had 3 pairs of binoculars and chair five isn't one who had them.
"Chair 7?" Chair 5 radioed.
"Do you guys see the wind surfer out there, we hasn't been moving for about 5 minutes now.
"Yeah, we have been watching him he is just chilling." Chair 7 radioed back.
Time moved on and the continuing drama did as well. There are two very unhappy lifeguards and they will do anything to throw bombs in your face when the time is never right.
"Yeah, that man hasn't been moving for about 10 minutes, maybe even longer now" one of the lifeguards stationed at chair 7 radioed.
After this there was argument over the radio, I may have singled Megan, one of the oldest lifeguards at the beach and has been here the longest due to the fact that she was sitting with a new lifeguard. Not only was the lifeguard a recent lifeguard it was actually his first day of the job with us, and even to get into it more, it was his first day of lifeguarding of his entire life. In mu opinion, I do trust him enough that he was well trained to do this job, but lets send in someone with more experience, one who has worked at this beach for about 5 years now and can react to the danger immediately.
"Okay I'll go, can I just come up to the bathhouse real quick?" Megan said over the radio
With hesitation Mike stated "yeah"
As Megan walked up to the bathhouse, Felicia and I were already trying to get the kayak into the gator so that we can just leave it down by the water and it will be ready to for Megan when she gets there. To be honest with everyone, I was very nervous. I think we all were except for Megan, due to a miscommunication error that was later known.
I told Felicia to drive, and sat in the passenger seat holding on to the kayak in the back, so it wouldn't blow away. She drove to chair 6, to see the new guy, Brian already to go in his red bathing suit and nothing else (that's all he needed).
"Do you have binoculars?" I asked quickly, probably breathing heavily.
"no, we don't have any"
Can the stupid state, just buy us some damn equipment.
"Drive to chair 7." I said to Felicia, hoping no one would ask me why, and basically just do it. It worked.
Felicia pulled up to chair 7, without even stopping, I already hoped out of the vehicle and onto the lifeguard station. I got their binoculars and looked out into the water to see the man. I could see him but just his blog of a guy floating in the ocean. No hands waving in the air, no face expressions saying I need help. Only a blob of human, possibly dead, possibly treading, possible submerged, maybe I was looking at his board or kite.
"I'm going just drive me down not. We can't wait for Megan!" I yelled
I went over the radio and told Brian to meet us at the water, As I ran back into the gator I stole chair 7's rescue board so that Brian can go out with me. I had no bathing suit on at all so I was going in fully clothes.
Felicia raced out way down to the water. It was low tide by now, so we had a ways to go from the the chairs. I started taking off my shoes and socks, and getting all my thing out of my pockets, such as my wallet, my sunglasses, my cellular phone, keys, everything need to be off my body. In the process of this I am screaming because I was so confused at to what is going on. There is a man out there, what is he doing? I wonder if he is okay? Why did Megan have to go up to the bathhouse? Isn't this an emergency? I am screaming to Felicia that I'm going in now, as I yank the kayak on the ground and throw it into the water. Brain runs up and i throw the board right next to the kayak, and we start going, without any words between anyone. We both started pedaling.
I'm so angry. Why did Megan do this? I hope this guy is okay. Mike, why did he tell Megan is was okay to go up to the bathhouse? Keep pushing Alex, You're gonna make it. I hope to God this dude isn't submerged. What would I do. Brian could help me. Wait! Where's Brian. Damn I passed him. Got to keep going. There is a man out there, he needs my help. What is this man is submerged? Would go under water. NO! I need help. Will the board get there in time? His arms, the kids poor arms. My arms. This is tiring. How far is he. Okay getting closer. Okay this is going to be okay. Megan, I don't get it, what was going through her head? Alex! It doesn't matter, you got this. Do you think he is dead? Wait! He's alive he just tried to get up again. No wind. Is that is issue no wind? Should I just turn back now? No, keep going. He could be hurt. But he's alive. Okay getting closer. Closer. Closer. How far away am I from the beach. DAMN! This is far. I don't think I have ever been out this far before. I don't like it out here. Damn, my foot is numb, but I don't want to move it because I don't want this to tip. I can't get back on if I tip. Oh no, what if I tip. Are there sharks out here? Way to scare yourself Alex. Keep going! Closer. Closer. Closer.
Finally, I reached him. "Sir, are you okay?"
He was a good looking man, had to be about mid thirties with dark features.
"Yeah, just no wind." he said confused. Must have been the fact we are a mile or over, out in sea. In reality a person wouldn't be there to talk to you.
"Do you need any help going back in? Are you tired?"
" I mean you are here maybe I can do that. I'm not that tired but I could use the help.
I took his board, and he connected himself to my kayak and he helps his kite. He didn't want to deflate that kite, only because for a wind surfer it acts as a life jacket. So I told him thats okay just hold it.
It was hard to bring in about 400 pounds of wait, mine, himself, and that damn kite f his. It took a lot longer. we eventually, met up with Brain on the board. And the three of us went on in back to shore. The three of us talked as if nothing was going on, about life, and interested, what we do with our lives. It was a good time, except for the pain running through my arms.
Possibly 20 minutes past by now and we finally started getting to shore. It was so simply, and it went very smooth. There was drama involved but yet still happened. The man is okay, and by the time we got out he thanked me and said he was tired now, so it was good we went and got him. It was a god day, and a different day at the Nahant Shore.
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