I know where I want my life to go, but how I am getting there is debatable. I just hope that I can live it. Now-a-days life itself has become such a struggle when we didn't need to make it this way. And this is economy, government, and us the people. We make such categories of people, food, countries, states, and more that we separate ourselves from one another and all anyone needs while living is spending it with one another.
I, myself would like to just STOP, and love everything. Love that I am where I am, love that I am wearing my favorite color blue shirt, love that I have fashionable shoes on my feet, love that I have the ability to see and smile, love that when I go home I have a family who loves me no matter how much they don't tell me, love that I have friends who love me, love that I am getting a great education, love my past, past relationships, past moments I didn't get to cherish, love that I can feel, feel emotion, feel silk, feel real leather, love I am here. Here on this planet call earth that is ours. I am living and I don't have a moment to realize it. I don't have a moment to love it. To feel it. Embrace it.
This is what I want and I am going to try my hardest into achieving it.
Take a look at this picture.
Hard to believe but I had taken this picture 2 years ago, on my travels in Switzerland. Such a beautiful picture of the mountains. As much as I would love to lie to you right now, this picture is embracive and I did not even embrace it. This picture is pure beauty and I didn't have the chance to realize it, till I came home and wished I had sat there and just stared at this image and loved everything about it. But by then it was too late...
If only....